Outcome | Not compliant |
14 violations cited :
Code 3-501.19
Time controlled food(s) no written procedures
If time only, rather than time in conjunction with temperature, is used as the public health control for a working supply of POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) before cooking, or for READY-TO-EAT, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) that is displayed or held for service for immediate consumption: (1) Written procedures are required to be prepared in advance, maintained in the establishment, and made available to the REGULATORY AUTHORITY upon request.(Pf) (2) The FOOD shall be marked to indicate the time that is 4 hrs past the point in which food is removed from temperature control, or 6 hrs if the temperature is maintained below 70°F. (Pf) (3) Food in unmarked containers or in containers that exceed the time limit are to be discarded. (P)
If time only, rather than time in conjunction with temperature, is used as the public health control for a working supply of POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) before cooking, or for READY-TO-EAT, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) that is displayed or held for service for immediate consumption: (1) Written procedures are required to be prepared in advance, maintained in the establishment, and made available to the REGULATORY AUTHORITY upon request.(Pf) (2) The FOOD shall be marked to indicate the time that is 4 hrs past the point in which food is removed from temperature control, or 6 hrs if the temperature is maintained below 70°F. (Pf) (3) Food in unmarked containers or in containers that exceed the time limit are to be discarded. (P)
Not corrected
Code 4-702.11
Clean utensil(s) and food-contact surface(s) not sanitized
UTENSILS and FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be SANITIZED before use after cleaning. (P)
UTENSILS and FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be SANITIZED before use after cleaning. (P)
Not corrected
Code 3-501.16
Cold food item(s) stored above 41 degrees f
Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as the public health control POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) shall be maintained: (A) 135ºF or above, except that roasts properly cooked and cooled may be held at a temperature of 130ºF; or (P) (B) At 41ºF or less (P)
Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as the public health control POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) shall be maintained: (A) 135ºF or above, except that roasts properly cooked and cooled may be held at a temperature of 130ºF; or (P) (B) At 41ºF or less (P)
Not corrected
Code 4-601.11
null soiled
(A) EQUIPMENT FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES and UTENSILS shall be clean to sight and touch. (Pf) (B) The FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of cooking EQUIPMENT and pans shall be kept free of encrusted grease deposits and other soil accumulations. (C) NonFOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, FOOD residue, and other debris.
(A) EQUIPMENT FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES and UTENSILS shall be clean to sight and touch. (Pf) (B) The FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of cooking EQUIPMENT and pans shall be kept free of encrusted grease deposits and other soil accumulations. (C) NonFOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of EQUIPMENT shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, FOOD residue, and other debris.
Priority Foundation
Not corrected
Code 4-302.14
Sanitizer test kit not provided
A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L of SANITIZING solutions shall be provided. (Pf)
A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L of SANITIZING solutions shall be provided. (Pf)
Priority Foundation
Not corrected
Code 7-102.11
Working containers-toxics not labeled as to content
Working containers used for storing POISONOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS such as cleaners and SANITIZERS taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material. (Pf)
Working containers used for storing POISONOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS such as cleaners and SANITIZERS taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material. (Pf)
Priority Foundation
Not corrected
Code 2-102.11
Person-in-charge does not demonstrate required knowledge
The PERSON IN CHARGE shall demonstrate this knowledge by compliance with this Code, by being a certified FOOD protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an ACCREDITED PROGRAM, or by responding correctly to the inspector's questions as they relate to the specific FOOD operation. (Pf)
The PERSON IN CHARGE shall demonstrate this knowledge by compliance with this Code, by being a certified FOOD protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an ACCREDITED PROGRAM, or by responding correctly to the inspector's questions as they relate to the specific FOOD operation. (Pf)
Priority Foundation
Not corrected
Code 3-501.17
In house prepared ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food(s) without date of consumption marking
(A) READY-TO-EAT, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) prepared and held refrigerated for more than 24 hours in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation to indicate the date or day by which the FOOD shall be consumed. (Pf) (B) A container of refrigerated, commercially prepared READY-TO-EAT POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) shall be clearly marked, at the time the original container is opened in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, to indicate the date or day by which the FOOD shall be consumed. (Pf) A date marking system that does not exceed 7 days, including date of preparation, or opening is to be used. (Pf)
(A) READY-TO-EAT, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) prepared and held refrigerated for more than 24 hours in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation to indicate the date or day by which the FOOD shall be consumed. (Pf) (B) A container of refrigerated, commercially prepared READY-TO-EAT POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) shall be clearly marked, at the time the original container is opened in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, to indicate the date or day by which the FOOD shall be consumed. (Pf) A date marking system that does not exceed 7 days, including date of preparation, or opening is to be used. (Pf)
Priority Foundation
Not corrected
Code 5-205.11
Handwashing sink(s) not easily accessible
(A) A HANDWASHING SINK shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for EMPLOYEE use and used for no other purpose. (Pf) (B) An automatic handwashing facility shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. (Pf)
(A) A HANDWASHING SINK shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for EMPLOYEE use and used for no other purpose. (Pf) (B) An automatic handwashing facility shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. (Pf)
Priority Foundation
Not corrected
Code 3-501.13
Expand for full food code definition
POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) shall be thawed: Under refrigeration, or under cool running water (<70° F), or as part of cooking process, and total accumulated time above 41° F, for thawed portions, shall not exceed 4 hours. Any thawing procedure may be used for immediate service for individual consumers order of READY-TO-EAT foods.
POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) shall be thawed: Under refrigeration, or under cool running water (<70° F), or as part of cooking process, and total accumulated time above 41° F, for thawed portions, shall not exceed 4 hours. Any thawing procedure may be used for immediate service for individual consumers order of READY-TO-EAT foods.
Not corrected
Code 4-501.11
Equipment broken
EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements of the code.
EQUIPMENT shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements of the code.
Not corrected
Code 6-501.18
PLUMBING FIXTURES such as HANDWASHING SINKS, toilets, and urinals shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean.
PLUMBING FIXTURES such as HANDWASHING SINKS, toilets, and urinals shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean.
Not corrected
Code 6-501.12
Physical facilities/structures not clean
(A) PHYSICAL FACILITIES shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. (B) Except spill cleanup, cleaning shall be done during periods when the least amount of FOOD is exposed such as after closing.
(A) PHYSICAL FACILITIES shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. (B) Except spill cleanup, cleaning shall be done during periods when the least amount of FOOD is exposed such as after closing.
Not corrected
Code 4-204.112
Thermometer(s) not provided
(A) In a mechanically refrigerated or hot FOOD storage unit, the sensor of a TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICE shall be located to measure the air temperature in the warmest part of a mechanically refrigerated unit and in the coolest part of a hot FOOD storage unit. (B) Cold or hot holding EQUIPMENT used for POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD shall be designed to include and shall be equipped with at least one integral or permanently affixed TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICE that is located to allow easy viewing of the device's temperature display (EXCEPT, heat lamps, cold plates, steam tables, or other equipment where it is not practical). (C) TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES shall be designed to be easily readable. (D) FOOD TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES and water TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES on WAREWASHING machines shall have a numerical scale, printed record, or digital readout in increments no greater than 1C or 2F in the intended range of use. (Pf)
(A) In a mechanically refrigerated or hot FOOD storage unit, the sensor of a TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICE shall be located to measure the air temperature in the warmest part of a mechanically refrigerated unit and in the coolest part of a hot FOOD storage unit. (B) Cold or hot holding EQUIPMENT used for POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD shall be designed to include and shall be equipped with at least one integral or permanently affixed TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICE that is located to allow easy viewing of the device's temperature display (EXCEPT, heat lamps, cold plates, steam tables, or other equipment where it is not practical). (C) TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES shall be designed to be easily readable. (D) FOOD TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES and water TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES on WAREWASHING machines shall have a numerical scale, printed record, or digital readout in increments no greater than 1C or 2F in the intended range of use. (Pf)
Not corrected