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Detroit Trolley Room
1020 Washington Blvd

Food Service Establishment

StatusNot Licensed
License typeFixed Establishment
State license number353065
OwnerDetroit CBD Hotel LLC
Complexity levelUnknown
Review frequencyEvery 150 days

2 Inspections
Since 8-1-2016

Routine Inspection

4 violations cited :
Code 5-205.11
Handwashing sink(s) not easily accessible
(A) A HANDWASHING SINK shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for EMPLOYEE use and used for no other purpose. (Pf) (B) An automatic handwashing facility shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. (Pf)
Priority Foundation
Corrected on 11-05-2024
Code 7-102.11
Working containers-toxics not labeled as to content
Working containers used for storing POISONOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS such as cleaners and SANITIZERS taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material. (Pf)
Priority Foundation
Corrected on 11-05-2024
Code 3-501.17
Commercially processed ready to eat potentially hazardous food(s) without date of consumption marking
(A) READY-TO-EAT, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) prepared and held refrigerated for more than 24 hours in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation to indicate the date or day by which the FOOD shall be consumed. (Pf) (B) A container of refrigerated, commercially prepared READY-TO-EAT POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) shall be clearly marked, at the time the original container is opened in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, to indicate the date or day by which the FOOD shall be consumed. (Pf) A date marking system that does not exceed 7 days, including date of preparation, or opening is to be used. (Pf)
Priority Foundation
Corrected on 11-05-2024
Code 6-403.11
Locker(s)/employee storage area(s) contaminates equipment
(A) Areas designated for EMPLOYEES to eat, drink, and use tobacco shall be located so that FOOD, EQUIPMENT, LINENS, and SINGLE-SERVICE and SINGLE-USE ARTICLES are protected from contamination. (B) Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be located in a designated room or area where contamination of FOOD, EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, LINENS, and SINGLE-SERVICE and SINGLE-USE ARTICLES can not occur.
Corrected on 11-05-2024

Routine Inspection

5 violations cited :
Code 3-302.11
Raw animal food(s) stored over next to ready to eat food s
(A) FOOD shall be protected from cross contamination by: (1) Except as specified in (1)(c) below, separating raw animal FOODS during storage, preparation, holding, and display from: (a) Raw READY-TO-EAT FOOD including other raw animal FOOD such as FISH for sushi or MOLLUSCAN SHELLFISH, or other raw READY-TO-EAT FOOD such as fruits and vegetables,(P) and (b) Cooked READY-TO-EAT FOOD; (P) (c) Frozen, commercially processed and packaged raw animal FOOD may be stored or displayed with or above frozen, commercially processed and packaged, ready-to-eat food. (2) Except when combined as ingredients, separating types of raw animal FOODS from each other such as beef, FISH, lamb, pork, and POULTRY during storage, preparation, holding, and display by: (a) Using separate EQUIPMENT for each type, (P) or (b) Arranging each type of FOOD in EQUIPMENT so that cross contamination of one type with another is prevented, (P) and (c) Preparing each type of FOOD at different times or in separate areas; (P)
Corrected on 4-10-2024
Code 3-501.17
Commercially processed ready to eat potentially hazardous food(s) without date of consumption marking
(A) READY-TO-EAT, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) prepared and held refrigerated for more than 24 hours in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation to indicate the date or day by which the FOOD shall be consumed. (Pf) (B) A container of refrigerated, commercially prepared READY-TO-EAT POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD (TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD) shall be clearly marked, at the time the original container is opened in a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT, to indicate the date or day by which the FOOD shall be consumed. (Pf) A date marking system that does not exceed 7 days, including date of preparation, or opening is to be used. (Pf)
Priority Foundation
Corrected on 4-10-2024
Code 5-205.11
Handwashing sink(s) not easily accessible
(A) A HANDWASHING SINK shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for EMPLOYEE use and used for no other purpose. (Pf) (B) An automatic handwashing facility shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. (Pf)
Priority Foundation
Corrected on 4-10-2024
Code 7-102.11
Working containers-toxics not labeled as to content
Working containers used for storing POISONOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS such as cleaners and SANITIZERS taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material. (Pf)
Priority Foundation
Corrected on 4-10-2024
Code 4-602.12
Baking and cooking equipment not cleaned
(A) The FOOD-CONTACT SURFACES of cooking and baking EQUIPMENT shall be cleaned at least every 24 hours. This section does not apply to hot oil cooking and filtering EQUIPMENT if it is cleaned as specified in Subparagraph 4-602.11(D)(6). (B) The cavities and door seals of microwave ovens shall be cleaned at least every 24 hours by using the manufacturer's recommended cleaning procedure.
Not corrected
About inspections
A restaurant is compliant when zero Priority or Priority Foundation violations are cited during an inspection, or when all are corrected; Core violations will be reviewed at the next routine inspection and are not required to be corrected to be in compliance.

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Built using open data | Site last updated 03-05-2025 with inspection data thru 02-01-2025.